Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I found this image pertinent to English 300 ever since Sexson uttered the word "Netiquette", for it was this image that popped into my Monday brain.
The youth of today is practically born and bred not only on the internet but by it as well. In their (and their parents) rushed and time intensive lives, the internet is an essential source of "now". Get your research homework now, get your directions now, get your music and movies now, get everything you'll ever need NOW! They may not be able to tell you which side the fork goes on or whether it's "will" or "shall", but by god they know their netiquette.

"What it means it what it is."
What a comforting thought. In my reading of Frye, I've started to understand the sort of scientific order there is in literature. You can actually figure out whether a piece is a high mimetic tragedy or a low mimetic tragedy by deciphering if there's any pathos in the equation or not. Though it may take a little longer to fully grasp what any of that actually means, it's fascinating that you can trick a mathematician into loving literature by just simply showing them the equation.

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